Tuesday, October 4, 2016

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Biafra league founder demands Army leaves Bakassi

An overseas-based founding member of the Biafra Nations Youth League has called on troops to vacate the Bakassi Peninsula.
Ashu Shamy, the founding member, writing from Thailand, lamented how Nigeria troops tried to stop the Biafra National Youth League Southern Cameroon Congress, formerly scheduled for Ikom, before the date and venue was brought back and was successfully held in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State on February 20.
The Southern Cameroon activist reinstated commitment to fight along with former Eastern Nigeria, adding that Ambazonia Governing Council in a meeting with the BNYL resolved to render necessary support to the league and Biafra.
Meanwhile, a prominent Southern Cameroon activist and one time prisoner, Dr Ebenezer Derek Akwanga, had earlier told media Biafra-Southern Cameroon coalition is a possibility.
Biafra and Southern Cameroon have been advocating for independence from Nigeria and Cameroon respectively.