Monday, September 5, 2016

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BREAKING: Ex-US Congressman Renews Call for Biafra Referendum, Pledges to Table Matter Before Congress, UN

Below is how broke the News:

Reports reaching DailyGlobeWatch here in Paris have it that Hon. Robert Dornan, an ex-US congressman has renewed his call for Biafra referendum.
Hon. R. Dornan , an ex-US congressman between 1977 and 1997, according to a report emailed to our newsroom here in the French capital of Paris renewed his call for a referendum to be conducted to enable the people of the south-east to decide their political future.
The report says, who remains opposed to violence deemed this necessary before the ongoing agitation in Nigeria snowballs into an armed conflict.
He has , however , resolved to table the matter before the US congress through the agency of his ex-colleagues and vowed to press the matter progressively to the United Nations
Recall Mr. Dornan was first quoted as saying, “I say, the Biafrans have known suffering and death and as a responsible witness to that holocaust and as a Christian man of honor I add my voice to those calling for an internationally recognized referendum on the future of Biafra.”
The reports say, what actually informed Mr. Dornan renewed call is the distressing reports about the extra-judicial killings and activities of armed nomadic herders which have been invading the south-east communities in Nigeria and the seeming tacit support the herders enjoy from the central government.
According to the reports, he said, ''No single case of police arrest and prosecution of the band of marauders has been made by Nigeria's security forces and this exposes over 40 million people in the south-east of Nigeria to the danger of extinction'', the report added.