Frequent users of ATM Machines should be aware of this attacks
ATM Skimmers is a malicious device criminals attach to ATM Machine. The device create a copy of your card and capture your pin when you are entering it.
Click Here To Watch ATM Skimming Crooks at work
An ATM Skimmers has 2 component that you need to be aware of:
First,a small device inserted over the ATM slot. When you insert your ATM Card, the device create a copy of the data on the Magnetic strip card
The 2nd part of the device is a Camera. It can see the keypad of ATM, normally it's placed at the top of the ATM Screen, above the keypad or even to the side of the pad. The point of the camera is to capture you entering your pin on the keypad. With your information retrieved, attacker can can use that data to programme a bogus ATM and withdraw money from your account.
ATM Skimmers are becoming more and more sophisticated, meaning a device can be small enough and unnoticeable to be inserted into the card slot and you not knowing it's there.
Attacker can also use overlay keyboard, which is a fake keypad that is fitted over the real keypad. When you press a button on the fake keypad, it presse the real button underneath.

This are harder to detect Frequent users of ATM Machines should be aware of this attacks It is often easy to spot ATM Skimmers or at least protect your pin so an ATM Skimmers won't be able to capture it. Take a quick look around ATM before withdrawing money and keep this four tips In mind.
1. Shake the card reader, make sure sure it doesn't move around, if it does then something isn't right. You must avoid that ATM or even move away from that vicinity completely.
2 Look at the ATM Machine, does anything look out of place. Check the panel of the keypad and make sure it isn't lose.
3 Examine the keypad, does it look at of place
4 Check for cameras.
Be sure to implement the above saftey tips. If you find something wrong with the ATM Machine alert the bank or business in charge of the ATM Machine
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