Thursday, July 14, 2016

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Buhari Donned millitary Fatigues For The First Time in Decades To Inaugurate a Task Force Against Cattle Thieves.

Dear Friends, let us understand something.
Muhammadu Buhari, our President and Commander in Chief appeared yesterday for the first time in millitary fatigues in over three decades.
I am not here to quarrel with the propriety of a civillian President appearing in millitary uniform (as I have found out it really is not approriate).
Apparently, the appearance was to boost morale of troops.
Now question is, which troops? We have troops engaged in various theatres of conflict in Nigeria.

1. Is it those fighting Boko Haram?
Answer- NO
2. Is it those in the Niger Delta?
3. Is it those against Herdsmen?
Answer-NO. To be honest, I am not sure there is any outfit for this.
4. Was it a general morale boosting session for the millitary?
The President donned millitary fatigues, for the first time in decades, to inaugurate a TASK
In essence, he personally went to inaugurate a task force that is prosecuting a campaign against
cow thieves. Basically, he is protecting the interests of people in national spotlight, including those who may have partaken in mass murders, without as muchas giving a hoot about the other side to this cow business.
It wouldnt be so bad if he werent silent over the persistent massacres in Benue and environs. It wouldnt be so bad if he had exhibited the same
spirit against Boko Haram and other theatres of war. But he shows PERSONAL SOLIDARITY this
There you have it. You now know which side of the cow business our President is more interested
Slowly but surely, the cloud is clearing from many people's eyes.
It is bewildering how we all (me inclusive) got distracted by the uniform

By Viola Ifeyinwa Okolie.