Tuesday, July 12, 2016

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7 Things You May Not Know About "Biafra"

1. Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu Was Never The Originator Of The Term "Biafra" And Was Not The First Leader/President Of The Nation "Biafra", Biafra Have Had Kings/Emperors And Leaders Even Before Ojukwu Was Born....
2. Nigeria Never Exist Before Biafra But Rather Biafra Existed Before Nigeria; Biafra Existed Centuries Even Before The Colonial Era And The Almagamation Of The South And Northern Part Of The Zoo Called Nigeria
3. The So Called Eastern Region Of Nigeria Is Far Less/Smaller In Size/Land Mark Compared To The Entire Biafran Territory; The Biafran Lands/Territories Consists/Cuts Across Six Present Day Nations/Countries Namely; Nigeria, Cameroon, Equitorial Guinea(Bioko Island And Rio Muni) Garbon, Sou Tome And Precepe.
4. The Real Name For Right Hand Side Of The Gulf Of Guinea Currently Known As The Bight Of Bonny Is "The Bight Of Biafra", The Bight Of Biafra A Term Used To Describe The Sea Shaw/Bank Of The Great Biafran Nation Was Changed To Bight Of Bonny After The Nigeria-Biafra Civil War Of 1966-1970 By The Then
Nigerian Government, In An Attempt And With The Aim Of Erasing The Name "Biafra" From The Minds Of Biafrans As They Fear That The Name Might Trigger Another War.
5. History As A School Subject Was Removed From All Secondary Schools In The East(Biafra Land) And Replaced With Government For Many Reasons Bordering Mostly On Hiding The Truth From The Biafrans About Who They, Who There Enemies And Friends Are, It Was Done On Purpose To Erase Their Past From Their Memories Whereas Their Counterparts In The North Still Do History In Schools Till Date.
6. "Enyi Mba" As Aba In Abia State Is Popularly Called Is Not Just A Name For Some Group Of Persons That Behaves Like Elephants In Action But Also A Name For A Certain Area Or People In Ancient Biafra Land Where Pure And Natural African Elephant Are Found And Trained And The People Are Known For It, But Today We Only Have Such Names In Words But Have No Elephants To Show For It, Who Destroyed This Ancient Empire ?
7. There Were And Are Still Ancient Maps Of African In Most American Museums For Arts And Culture Of People And Countries Showing The Various Countries, Nations/Empires In Africa Before The Invasion Of The Whites As Produced By The Colonial Master Such As Britain, France, Germany, And Portugal In Which The Biafran Empire/Nation Appeared To Be One Of The Greatest Empires/Nations Of That Era. Some Of Such Maps Are Shown Bellow (Take A Look At The Maps Closely And Tell Me What You See Or Think)