Saturday, June 25, 2016

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BREAKING: USA Senator Officially Calls For Buhari’s Resignation and Biafra's Independence.

Just After the exit of UK from EU, the world political affair has been shaky. Nationalities are suddenly awaken to the need of a referendum.
IPOB, a group whose leader, Nnamdi Kanu, has been incarcerated by the Nigerian Government, had quite some time been calling for break up from the contraception called ‘Nigeria’.
A senator from the US, Sen. John Barrasso has joined the many from UK and US calling Buhari to resign and allow a referendum.
Right now twitter is agog with the hashtag #Biafrexit .
Follow the hashtag and see tweets by international bodies and individuals…
Follow Sen. John on twitter to see his tweet on #Biafrexit; @SenJohnBarrass


Unknown said...

The world must stop playing dirty politics with the blood of innocent Biafrans because of oil they are getting from government of nigeria of which comes from Biafra land. Self determination and freedom is human rigt.If Britain can have their way out of Eu,why not Biafrans from nigeria which was created by British?