Monday, May 2, 2016

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When That Idiot Tells You Nigeria Cannot Be Islamized.

People think Islamism is the Conquest of Istanbul and turning old Catholic churches to Mosques. People think it is ISIS beheading Christians. That is the most extreme. Like viruses and bacteria, attacks like that on a host hardly makes for epidemic. NO. For epidemic, the virus and or bacteria must have an incubation period where it would ensure it is able to multiply and multiply without the host showing symptoms. It is when it has gotten a desired load that it begin to take out tissues and metastasize.

Speaking of metastasis, Obasanjo assured us "Sharia will die a natural death". Today all core Northern states practice Sharia. ALL. So the many mumu elders I read then who said "it is unconstitutional. It will die. America will oppose it. Nigerians are too enlightened to allow Sharia. We have the Penal
Code that the North uses. The literate ones will not allow the primitive Sharia be the operative law". Today ALL core Northern states and a few more practice Sharia law.

What it is yet to do is full implementation. Like the Human immune virus, it is waiting to take out the thymus gland before it swings fully i to action, after all it is the law. Actions like death to whomever converts from Islam to Christianity, death to those who proselytize. Death to a woman is pregnant without marriage etc etc. Yes death to Christian preachers who try to convert any muslim.

Now the real mumus are still saying "no one can force anyone to be a Muslim". They think that is Islamization. That is not what it is. In IRAN, IRAQ, EGYPT etc etc there are Christians. Until ISIS, the conversions Paul made in Damascus remained Christians, yet Iran had Ayatollah Khomeini as leader and introduced the harshest for of Shiite School of Islam.

Islamism is

1. Enshrining the Sharia law and making sure it affects all including Christians and Ogun worshippers who cannot no buy alcohol to serve Ogun as Sharia bans alcohol. It is the inability of a pig farmer to grow his pig and sell to those who want to buy pig meat because of Sharia law that ought not affect them

2. It is the placement of mostly Muslims in very strategic positions to affect policy. Iran and Iraq have a few Christian ministers every now and then. However, Islamization is slowly ensuring more and more Muslims take over these positions

3. Islamism is ensuring that people know that to align with Islam is the only way to wealth and success. It is rewarding people of other religions who become loyal and fight their people so as to ensure Muslims stay boss. The Afonjas of Ilorin then and the Rochas and Amaechis of now will fit this description

4. Islamism is the use of the python hold on the diaphram of other religions. That is, ensuring other religions are choked so at the least, they do not proliferate or grow. The python wraps around a prey's diaphram (chest) and once the creature breathes out, it ensures there is no space to breathe air in and so slowly the prey dies. El Rufai's law on preaching with license is the clearest modern day example. But note, this has been a law in existence but not activated. So when a church building is demolished here, or burnt there, there is no giving of C of O to rebuild except it is a major church in an urban area. All the smaller churches in the hinterlands are demolished, burnt etc etc, so like the python does, the church is unable to get oxygen for cellular respiration and slowly the outer limbs begin to die of as all its energy is reserved for the head and vital organs... which too will die after a much longer strangle-hold.
Including the years of Goodluck Jonathan (even though mightily reduced) churches that have been burnt or closed in the North are over 3 thousand. (emmanuel Bosun may have more authentic numbers). In Kaduna, many are being demolished including big brandnames like Winners, Redeemed etc. Of course a Mosque or two is thrown in so the idiotic Christians the one demons possess and use as insiders can say "do they have C of O? Is it original? They built on animal reserve area. They built on GRA, government reserved area. They built on drainage. etc etc. How the government of 20 years ago gave out C of O's for drainage area and it is only now El Rufai is seeing it is drainage or grass reserve is no cause of worry to them. So like the python, it squeezes away at growth, at giving out literature including free tracts, something no democratic government has ever banned in the whole world ... FREE TRACTS. It matters not what is in it in a democracy, whether religious information or political meeting invites... 5the tract/bill/handouts is the major means of communication and reaching out. El Rufai says you need a license. All the Christian lawyer activists who were so vociferous under Goodluck Jonathan are suddenly under the unction of the devil and see nothing wrong with a man ordering that fundamental right of freedom of expression and expression of and practice of religion is needing license. Python takes one of the sheep and the other sheep look on.

In looking on, that is how cancer or virus metastasize, which simply means move to another location aka spread. As Sharia metastasized from Zamfara to every part of the North which culminated in INNOCENT BOTTLES OF BEER BEING DESTROYED IN KANO by Kwankwaso, so will El Rufai laws including No microphone in church after 8 pm while his Muezzin (those beautiful voiced rhythmic crooners that scream "Allah ohh Akbar ohhhh Aaahhh Allah ohhh Akbar" and wake you up fromyour beautiful sleep at 4 a.m or 5 a.m." ) can disturb sleep but not the church. That is how it will go round and round.

5. Islamism is the ability to kill others without consequence. Agatu is just a little example in one that has been on and on. Now note that Islamism has been on, Whether GEJ or OBJ is ruler. At best, especially with GEJ, one can reduce policies that promote it. One can elevate Christian pilgrimage, balance appointment between Muslims and Christians, ensure Christians too have access to factors of wealth creation including oil contracts, MOU's,Fuel importation, support for SME's and businesses, ensuring they find dollars to trade and innovative ideas like Innoson are able to breathe. However, like a behemoth, like a juganaut, Islamism continues to be the strongest force. Even OBJ could not stop Sharia. GEJ battled Boko Haram and Fulani massacres through out. Today Buhari is acting like nothing happened in Agatu. One dead in Rivers state is an issue. But 300 killed and buried so as to be manure for grass of cattle does not get a mention.

5. Islamism is when a president tells you they do not mind a Muslim Muslim ticket in a constitution that is mindful of balance. Islamism is when idiots from the south come on your status and say "Appointment of 80 percent Muslims and or 6 lVice Chancellors all from Kano state and indoctrinated fully and spread out to Universities all over

I will pause here for now having told you that Islamism is not forcing a Qoran in your hand. NO. Islamism is the slow but steady approach of Muslim way of life affecting yours and spreading while conscious efforts are being made to shackle other religions and to avoid its spread. Islamism is positioning mostly muslim in positions that can affect policies.
Ena Ofugara

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